The Heartbreak of Psoriasis

22051090_1758839367477145_8272132596412827043_o.jpgAround 2% of people in the U.S. alone are victims of the itchy, raised skin plaques called Psoriasis. There is no real permanent “cure” since it is an overactive autoimmune situation where inflammation elsewhere in the body causes it to attack itself, often triggered by cuts, scrapes and even strep throat. Stress exacerbates the condition as well as IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome), type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, alcohol abuse and other relative triggers.

We can however slow down the rapid buildup of epidermal skin cells with enzymatic retinoid therapy, regulate the normal immune defenses of the Langerhans cells in the skin, maintain homeostasis with balanced water levels in the epidermis thus softening the dry itching sensations and eliminate topical skin infections – all of this while advancing natural exfoliation that removes the painful, silvery plaques. This alone eliminates the stress Psoriasis victims are under.

DMK’S remission of Psoriasis:

1. Several powerful but non-invasive exfoliants.

2. Reverse osmosis and increased circulation via DMK’S ENZYME THERAPY. Also, regulates over-rapid cell proliferation.

2. Intense hydration, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial daily maintenance with DMK’s HYDRA LOUFFA and DMK’s MAXIMUM MOISTURE.